One Life, One Earth And Just One Purpose: Conserve At Solecraft

August 21: For decades, the ongoing debate between the guardians of the mother earth and users of earth’s resources has resulted in reaching an impasse. The growth trajectory demands almost exhaustive usage of earth’s resources while the caretakers of this earth, people who love this very earth, have been crying hoarse about saving the earth. This debate has given strong wings to the people who want the planet to be a better place. Now they are going all out to follow the principles of 3R. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. One such brand is making rapid strides in following these 3 Rs – Solecraft.

The recent pandemic has made the world stop and notice what they have done to the earth’s available resources. It was a rude wake-up call for individuals when they had to work from home, which made them realize the hoarding of things they had done over the years. The founders Divya and Atul had perceived this issue a few years back, and hence, with the singular purpose of creating a need-based lifestyle, Solecraft was born. We receive from those who don’t need it, and we give it to those who need it. We receive old pieces of denim from people who do not need them anymore. We recycle, or as they say, upcycle, and create school kits like school bags, comfortable footwear, pencil cases, and other essentials, only for families who believe in educating their children but find it challenging given their circumstances and low income.

Every time an average person thinks about helping an underprivileged child, Solecraft has already brought a smile to his or her face. Purely in terms of numbers, Solecraft has helped over 30,000 such children by assisting in their educational journey since its inception in July 2019. While you are reading this, the number has jumped a few notches already, and that’s the commitment to the cause we believe in.

Divya and Atul, Founders, SoulCraft

Solecraft is about creating a lifestyle where everyone focuses on bringing a smile to other people’s faces. To achieve that, we have gone that extra mile by integrating our operations backwards. We have roped in underprivileged ladies and women from the weaker economic sections of the society to convert these old pieces of denim into those magical looking school bags and other products. We attempt to find an unemployed workforce of women and give them a platform and a rightful opportunity to rise from extreme poverty and hunger to reach a life of dignity. We have reached out to Hindu minority women from Pakistan and have provided them with this opportunity to earn their living by working with Solecraft in creating these products.

Along with these products for school children, we have also introduced a unique range of 100% sustainable and eco-friendly bags made out of the upcycled canvas. We have a host of women who are independent designers and contribute to converting these bags into trendy designer bags that can be used for your everyday functions and yet not lose the flavour of owning a branded bags.

At Solecraft, the process of creating these bags is something worth remembering. A team of dedicated Solecraft members every day meet and talk to hundreds of people to encourage them to donate their old denim wears for this beautiful cause. Solecraft also runs donation drives at schools and colleges where students volunteer to bring their old and used pieces of denim. Collection boxes at Café, key societies of some of the prominent towns of the country where people leave their clothes. All the collected denim clothes are then washed with chemicals that are produced organically without causing any harm to the environment. Different kinds of pieces are then sorted out and sent to our production units, where the ladies convert these denim pieces into bags that make you look trendy and cool.

Following the teaching of our parents, we just work with our hearts; the head follows. When we wish to help someone, the entire universe conspires with us to help those beautiful souls. Solecraft is not a company for us but an emotion that talks about sustainable living and practices it in every single step. Solecraft is a mission for us. We can now ship our bags and other products to all parts of the country and abroad. All our products can be seen on our websites We aim to touch the lives of every single soul we can and bring them to adapt to this lifestyle.
