Goa [India], May 14: ICED-A-THON 2022 is a 3 days mega event from 13th-15th May, 2022 inaugurated by the chief guest Dr. Thol. Thirumavalavan, Member of Parliament, who has the intention in promoting forensics and forensic odontology as one of the emerging disciplines and even he had insisted in the parliament. First of its kind, ICED-A-THON is an integrated conference on emerging discipline like Forensic Odontology, Medico-Legal & emergency & Jurisprudence, Facial Aesthetics, Cosmetology, Trichology, Implantology, Laserology, StemCells, Regenerative medicine and Oncology.
The conference is conducted by ICEDATHON LLP from DenTrenz Group of companies powered by DenVarsity. It is certified by Council of Accredited Forensic Odontologists, Council of Cosmetology Trichology Regenerative and Aesthetic Sciences of India, Oral Maxillofacial Implantology Laserology and oncology council of India. All councils approved by Govt of India to promote the respective scientific disciplines.
The 3-days event will have Pre-conference workshops, Conference, cultural and award night. Starting from 13th may, 2022, there will be pre conference workshop under cosmetic school on Botox and fillers, PRP, PRF & GFC in Tricho-Cosmo and hair transplant, Oral Implantology, Forensic DNA Extraction, Medico legal issues etc Under implant school, workshop will be on surgical placement in implants, Implant Prosthesis, Laserology in dental and cosmetic practice. It will be certified by oral maxillofacial implantology laserology and oncology council of India. Under forensic school, precon hands on DNA extraction and profiling from blood, saliva and tooth, Lasers in soft tissue and hard tissue operations and medical emergency in dental office and dento-legal issue certified by Council of accredited forensic odontologists.
On 14th and 15th May, the main event (conference) is planned, where all the workshop topic under cosmetology & trichology, implantology & laserology and Forensic odontology & dentolegal will be covered. The 14th may event will be followed by gala dinner on cruise. The 3-days event will end with a closing ceremony on 15th may with culturals and awards night.
The key speaker at the event are Dr, VK Swamy, Nisha Sharma, Prof. Gunachandran, Dr. V. Murugadass, Dr. Ajaz Pasha KM, Dr. Chahal, Dr. Vidyaa Hari Iyer, Dr. Akshatha Shetty, Dr. Aun Srinivasan, Dr. V. R. Ravi, Dr. Mili Arpan Sha, Dr. Kanchan K. Mishra.
At the inaugural event chief guest Dr. Thol. Thirumavalavan, member of parliament, said “I am convinced fully that medical science has to be constantly upgraded and updated based on the demand and requirements of the society. We have seen enough in this covid era that nature is always ahead of our human effort. I could see the emerging disciplines here particularly the cosmetic industry. We have to revamp and reform with respect to the incorporating the medical and health care professionals into the cosmetic procedures. Today I could see a lot of dentists entering into the cosmetic industry and performing extraordinarily well in comparison to any other segment in the health care system. I assure you to raise this valid proposition to the Govt. and will definitely speak about these advancements in the parliament. The subject matters of the cosmetic procedures should be included in the curriculum of the bachelors degrees itself so that they can practice right after the graduation. Even I am ready to introduce a private member bill in the parliament. Till that time you can upgrade your knowledge and practice with ethics and standards using these platforms like council of cosmetology Trichology Regenerative and Aesthetic Sciences of India.
Secondly I am very much convinced to see oral oncology creating a big menace to the Indian society. The role of dentists in diagnosing oral cancer is very crucial and as Dr. V K Swamy briefed me the role of dentists beyond just screening but active involvement in the treatment procedures. I will also raise this issue in parliament.