Anjali Sethia

Two women entrepreneurs creating their niche: Making Businesses & Artists realise the power of digital & technology

Two women entrepreneurs creating their niche: Making Businesses & Artists realise the power of digital & technology

The Virtual String, the brainchild of Kritika Sethia & Anjali Sethia, is a 360-degree digital & technology-driven firm. Following an unorthodox way of helping their clients and empowering small brands & individuals, with providing free consultations to charging the minimal for all the service, especially during these difficult times when small owners are struggling to survive. With their refreshing mindsets and unwavering perspective to bring the change, the duo has come up with series of episodes with professionals and creators from various fields, who speak about building a brand from scratch, breaking barriers, smashing taboos, unlearning stigma, digital hacks &…
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