
Influencerquipo presents Emerging female lifestyle content creator of the year – Swapnila Goswami

Influencerquipo presents Emerging female lifestyle content creator of the year – Swapnila Goswami

July 26: Swapnila Goswami, known for her Instagram handle “fashionistaspeaks” is a content creator who creates content related to Fashion and Lifestyle. She also has her blog “” where she writes blogposts on Fashion and Lifestyle. She started creating content in the year 2018, it has been three years now. Since then, she never looked back. She believes that “being determined” is the key factor that leads to success. Today she is really feeling special that she has been offered the title “Emerging female lifestyle content creator of the year” by Influencerquipo. It’s like a dream come true for her.…
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